The American local food revival is the best thing to happen to the restaurant business in my lifetime. The food is better. It's fresher so it lasts much longer and we waste much less of our ingredients. It's harvested ripe so it tastes better and has more nutrition. It is connected to community. We know the suppliers of our seasonal vegetables and meat providers. They stop by the restaurant to make deliveries. They're our customers, just as we are theirs. They work with us to grow what we need or fine tune their recipes to our needs. You just don't get that kind of relationship and flexibility working with the large restaurant supply companies.
If you're a local farmer or artisan food producer, please get in touch with us and tell us about your products. Chances are we can use them and would love to work with you.
Local and regional suppliers: Stickboy Breads, Big Horse Creek Farm, Bent Apple Farm, Bentons Bacon, Rose Mountain Butcher, Dark Hollow Roasters, AB Vannoy Hams